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Water Resources Management 

Aerial view of Amazon rainforest

Tetra Tech delivers integrated solutions to protect and manage our valuable water resources around the world.

Clean, safe water is essential to life—whether it is drinking water, water for habitats, or water as the gateway to a community. Tetra Tech’s interdisciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, and planners apply our Leading with Science® approach to develop holistic and integrated solutions to evaluate, manage, and protect water resources. Tetra Tech has a long history of supporting our clients in providing safe, abundant water supplies; effective treatment of stormwater and wastewater; flood control and restoration tools; and innovative watershed protection approaches to assess, protect, and restore our water bodies.
Tetra Tech's model application simulates hydrodynamics, sediments, and toxicants moving in the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers

Assessment and Modeling

Tetra Tech’s experts integrate the latest scientific advances and leverage our  Tetra Tech Delta suite of digital technologies and analytical tools to monitor, analyze, and simulate water resources.

Aerial view of the Mosquito Fork River and watershed between Fairbanks and Dawson City, Alaska

Planning and Management

Tetra Tech offers full project lifecycle services through a One Water lens to optimize management strategies that achieve sustainable water management solutions.

  • Integrated water management
  • Sustainable water supply development
  • Regulatory compliance consulting
  • Disaster prevention and contingency planning
  • Public outreach and capacity building
Tetra Tech providing engineering services for removal of dam and restoration of the Carmel River channel in California

Natural Resources Protection

Tetra Tech realizes the importance of protecting and restoring water resources for future generations. Our water resources experts use a truly integrated approach to manage our waters with a combination of state-of-the-art techniques and demonstrated best practices.

  • Source water protection
  • Designated uses and water quality standards
  • Stream channel and wetland restoration
  • Ecosystem management
  • Water rights and acquisitions

Connect with us. Reach out to our One Water solutions experts.

Our featured water resources management highlights

Headshot of Dr. Sujoy B. Roy

Dr. Sujoy B. Roy Discusses Modeling and Analysis to Assess Future Climate Change Impacts

Headshot of Dr. Richard Cresswell

Dr. Richard Cresswell Discusses Managing Groundwater Holistically

Tetra Tech chemists in a laboratory in Upper Egypt examine water samples to ensure the quality of produced water

Improving the Operational Performance and Financial Sustainability of the Egyptian Water Sector

Two people filling jerrycans with water at a watering station with a smiling station attendant inside a booth

Advancing Urban Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Resilience Worldwide

Water Intake in Masimbwe village constructed by community to serve Itundu village in Rukwa region

Expanding and Sustaining Water and Sanitation Services in Tanzania

Tetra Tech collects water quality sample in an urban stream outside of Atlanta, Georgia

Protecting the Water Quality of Georgia’s Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries

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