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Emerging Contaminants

Green graphic depicting abstract molecule structures
Tetra Tech leverages our best-in-class environmental management resources and Leading with Science® approach to provide cutting-edge consulting and engineering services for emerging contaminants.

Our industry-leading scientists, technicians, engineers, and public outreach specialists provide research and development, water quality characterization, and design of demonstration, remediation, and municipal-scale treatment solutions to mitigate risks to communities. We leverage our Tetra Tech Delta technology solutions to provide efficient program management from characterization to implementation. We have expertise in helping clients address emerging contaminants that can be found in groundwater and surface waters:

  • Algal toxins
  • Chlorinated hydrocarbons such as 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP)
  • Emerging organic solvents such as 1,4-dioxane
  • Microplastics
  • Nitrosamines such as n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA)
  • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Perchlorate
  • Pharmaceuticals and personal care products
  • Antimicrobials such as triclosan
Tetra Tech lab technician carefully excise clam tissue to be used in the analysis of potential bioaccumulation of constituents

Research and Development

Tetra Tech scientists research and implement tools to determine risks for local, state, federal, provincial, and commercial clients. We have extensive experience with many types of emerging contaminants in all types of water bodies.

  • Regulatory compliance support
  • Toxicity studies
  • Risk assessments
Tetra Tech conducts bacterial tracking to help the City of Alpharetta, Georgia find sources of pollutants to streams

Water Quality Characterization

Tetra Tech offers a full range of professional services related to contaminant characterization. We have more than 50 years of experience and house one of the largest, most experienced pools of modelers in the industry. Tetra Tech is well-versed in identifying and communicating risks associated with emerging contaminants in the environment.

  • Monitoring, sampling, and laboratory analysis
  • Predictive modeling
  • Communication and outreach
3D rendering of nitrogen plant overlaying a background image of molecules

Demonstration, Remediation, and Full-Scale Treatment

Our expertise covers all phases of concern, including site investigation and characterization, demonstration of innovative technologies, remedial engineering, regulatory support, and treatment facility design.

  • Feasibility studies
  • Demonstration studies
  • Detailed design

Connect with us. Reach out to our One Water solutions experts.

Our featured emerging contaminants highlights

A glass of water being filled in a sink

Understanding PFAS and the Challenges of Effective Treatment

Aerial view of the completed 4.3 MGD PFAS Water Treatment Plant in the City of Fullerton

Designing Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Treatment Facilities

Underwater view of plastic pollution in ocean water and microplastics in the current

Evaluating the Risk of Microplastics in Coastal Waters

Headshot of Jerry Diamond

Dr. Jerry Diamond Discusses the Practical Applications of Ecotoxicology to Manage Risk

Headshot of Arie P. Kremen

Dr. Arie P. Kremen Discusses the Role of PFAS in the Solid Waste Industry

Science background with 3D molecule

Mitigating PFAS Cross-Contamination During AFFF Replacement Projects

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